4 Ways to Avoid Parking Lot Fender Benders

4 Ways to Avoid Parking Lot Fender Benders

Christmas is done for this year, and, for some of us, it’s time to return the ugly sweaters, odd-looking socks and other gifts that don’t quite fit what we are looking for.  Often, we tend to take the parking lot for granted. While we may be cautious and careful on the road, we may drive a little bit more recklessly when we are trying to find the perfect spot. 

So, it’s not too surprising to know that many minor collisions and accidents happen when we’re not paying attention, which can be a lot of times when we’re in a parking lot. Thus, with that in mind, we want to share some ways that you can avoid getting into a fender bender. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

One of the primary reasons why the parking lot can be such a hazardous place is that objects can be all around us. People walking behind the car, shopping carts in our blind spots – there are many more things to pay attention to than when you’re on the road. 

The best way to stay aware of what’s happening in your vicinity is to use your eyes and your mirrors. Be sure to turn around and look in the direction you’re moving, especially when backing up. Even if you have a rearview camera, it may not provide the complete picture. 

Slow Down

While it may be obvious on the surface, too many people will try to zip through a parking lot, especially if it’s not too crowded. However, because there are so many hazards (see above), this can be a dangerous move. Yes, you may be in a rush, but that’s no reason to drive recklessly. 

Increase Space

One of the most common dangers in a parking lot is people walking. Because we’re not used to following pedestrians on the road, it can feel a lot slower than average. Still, now’s not the time to tailgate. You don’t know what they’re going to do, and they don’t have a blinker to inform you of their next move. Simply put, give them some space. 

Be Respectful

Finally, you want to make sure that you’re giving the same respect to other people in the parking lot as you would expect from them. Avoid the road rage, even if someone did steal your spot. Think about it like this – what’s the worst thing that could happen? You may have to walk a little further? That’s no reason to make the parking lot more hazardous than it should be. 

At Bob Johnson Insurance, we want you and those around you to be safe. These tips (above) will help. However, sometimes parking lot fender benders happen. Having the right insurance coverage is important. Give us a call at 800-624-3339 or click here to contact us. We are glad to help.