9 Reasons to be Thankful

9 Reasons to be Thankful

With Thanksgiving in sight, we all begin to make an honest attempt at being thankful.  Have you ever considered that thankfulness is a skill that we can develop?  The more we practice, the easier it is to think of the various ways in which we have been blessed.

Some people practice extensively during November.  Each day, they do their best to post on their favorite social media one thing for which they are thankful.  Still, there are some who don’t give much thought to just how much we can be thankful for.

One aspect that we sometimes do not consider during this season is thankfulness is not just FOR something we have received.  Thankfulness is also TO whoever provided it.  Ultimately, all that we have is provided by God.  So here are 9 reasons to be thankful to God every day.

You Woke up Today

We are all grateful for life, but sometimes we don’t consider that each day is given.  There are many around the world who are not nearly as fortunate.  Don’t let this opportunity for being thankful get away.  We are blessed with another day.


We are not always thankful for our health until something goes wrong or we witness others suffering. We can be thankful to God for our health, for providing doctors and science, and even for His healing.

A Roof

We may not live in our dream home, but we have a roof over our head. It is both a necessity and a privilege. With so many homeless, those of us with a home can be thankful both for the home and what we have in it.


Work is work, but we need to be grateful for the Lord providing us with work to support ourselves and our families. There are many who either cannot work or do not have the opportunity to work.  God places us in our occupations and for that we are grateful.

Loved Ones

It is easy to take those closest to us for granted. Tell your family you love them, and thank God that they are near.


We are blessed with not only nourishment and energy, but more choices than ever before.


This one might sound a little funny, but have you considered how the early settlers used to travel?  Distances that took them months to cover can now be reached in just a few hours. Transportation helps us make money as it carries us to our jobs.  It helps facilitate relationships as we travel to one another to visit.  It’s never been easier to travel, and we have plenty of choices.  Take a moment to thank Him for transportation — as funny as that may sound.

Good Friends

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, and His name is Jesus. He also provides us with true friends in our lives. Be thankful for these people and for God who put them in your life.

The Scriptures and the Freedom to Read Them

Not every person in the world has the freedom we have to even own a Bible.  We have the opportunity to both own and read our Bible without fear of punishment.  Because the Bible is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16), when we read it we can trust that it is His way of speaking into our lives.  Take a moment to be thankful for the liberty to read your Bible. Do not take it for granted.


This Thanksgiving, remember not only to feel thankful for what you have received.  Also give thanks to the One who provided it.  If you have opportunity, you might even share some of what you have with others who are less fortunate.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving season!