Summer Travel Safety: Be Safe at Rest Areas

Rest Area Safety

Rest Areas and Stops, Be Alert and Choose Wisely

One of the great things about traveling along US highways is that there are designated areas for stopping and using the facilities. However, many of these stops are in remote sections, which means that they are not always safe, particularly at night. If you are planning on traveling late into the evening, it’s imperative that you be smart about how and when you utilize rest areas to your advantage. Here are some tips.

●     Stay in well-lit areas. Not only can dangerous people be lurking in the shadows, but some animals may be wandering the area as well. Don’t go into a bathroom or facility that doesn’t have sufficient lighting.
●     Keep your car in sight. Even if it’s going to be just a few minutes, you want to make sure that your belongings are kept safe.
●     Don’t sleep in your car. Unless it’s necessary because you’re by yourself and it’s really late, try to avoid stopping at a rest area for a nap. You never know what could happen.
●     Don’t wander off. Stay close to the rest area so that you don’t get lost, especially at night.